By using our services, you support the advancement of fundamental and applied neuroscience research.


Your support helps to advance:

  • Fundamental research aimed to better understand how brain and mind work
  • Clinical neuroscience aimed to better understand and treat mental illness and brain diseases
  • Public education in the fundamental and clinical neuroscience, including such subjects as consciousness, Self, and neurophilosophy.


Potential implications of the research results:

In neuroscience/psychology: expected to improve understanding of neuro-mechanisms and roles of normal and altered states of consciousness in personality, self-awareness and control of creativity. This will bring us closer to understanding our own humanity, and opens a door for new ways to keep our subjective well-being.

In clinical field: there is mounting evidence that the problems experienced by of the current paradigm of psychiatric diagnoses are due to a lack of brain-related etiological knowledge about neuropsychopathology. An important step towards solving these problems is through formulating a theoretical-conceptual framework that relates clinical manifestations of mental disorders to individual history, life-style and brain dynamics in a comprehensive unifying manner.

In well-being: expected to provide cost-effective guidance how to decrease chronic stress (and prevent a stress-related diseases) which is a social disadaptation to the rapidly growing technological and industrial progress.

In philosophy/society: a deeper understanding of the very nature of consciousness might radically shift our scientific understanding of some ultimate philosophical and religious questions, like the spiritual and practical significance of imperative moral behaviour of every individual – with prospects for a new humanism, without meaningless and painful inter-personal, inter-ethnical, and inter-religious conflicts.