qEEG helps:
- To identify the neuro-physiology of mental status changes: are these changes diffuse or focal? Are there epileptiform or other specific patterns? Or are these changes possibly functional or psychogenic?
- To identify the presence, localisation, persistence and type of seizure activity.
- To identify the psychiatric nature of an individual’s abnormal behaviour.
- To evaluate the extent of an organic basis for the individual’s complaints and their degree of severity.
- To evaluate the functional state of the brain.
- To evaluate cognitive, emotional, and motivational strategies involved in mental activity.
- To identify the weaknesses and strengths in the organization and neurophysiological status of the individual's brain.
- To establish a baseline of the present level of brain (dys)functioning in order to be able to detect stability, improvement, or recovery (or lack of it) in the future and assess the prognosis of the individual.
- To select specific psychotropic medications based on specific electrophysiological findings associated with clinical symptoms.
- To screen for potential risks of neurological/psychiatric diseases that an individual may have or will have in the future.
For more details and the review, see here.