(identical twins)
Peer-reviewed publications / Chapters / Proceeding publications / Interviews / Popular Media
List of publications in peer-reviewed professional journals
115 | 2024 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. The deep essence of Consciousness: In search of definition. Review of: “The Study of Consciousness Is Mired in Complexities and Difficulties: Can They Be Resolved?” // Qeios, 2024. | Full-text | |||||
114 | 2023 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. The Selfhood-components dynamics in the spectrum of discrete normotypical and pathological modes // Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, 2023, V. 2, No 2, P. 402-431. | Full-text | |||||
113 | 2023 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: Are they nonconscious, unconscious, or subconscious? Expanding the discussion // Brain Sciences, 2023, V. 13 No 5, 814. | Full-text | |||||
112 | 2023 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Turning back the clock: A retrospective single-blind study on brain age change in response to nutraceuticals supplementation vs lifestyle modifications // Brain Sciences, 2023, V. 13 No 3, 520. | Full-text | |||||
111 | 2023 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Contemplating on the nature of Selfhood in DoC patients: Neurophenomenological perspective // Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2023, V. 22, No 1, 23 | Full-text | |||||
110 | 2022 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Depersonalization puzzle: A new view from the neurophenomenological Selfhood perspective // Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, 2022, V. 1, No 2, P. 181-202. | Full-text | |||||
109 | 2022 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) as a natural and non-invasive window into living brain and mind in the functional continuum of healthy and pathological conditions // Applied Sciences, 2022, V. 12, No 19, 9560. | Full-text | |||||
108 | 2022 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. Self, Me and I in the repertoire of spontaneously occurring altered states of Selfhood: eight neurophenomenological case study reports // Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2022, V. 16, P. 255–282. | Full-text | |||||
107 | 2020 |
Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. Selfhood triumvirate: from phenomenology to brain activity and back again // Consciousness and Cognition, 2020, V. 86, 103031. The article is among this journal’s articles that have had the most citations since 2020. |
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106 | 2020 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. From spatio-temporal brain-mind dynamics to Spatiotemporal Neuroscience // Physics of Life Reviews. 2020, V. 33, P. 61-63. | Full-text | |||||
105 | 2020 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Neuro-assessment of leadership training // Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. 2020, V. 13, No 2, P. 107-145. | Full-text | |||||
104 | 2019 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for post-traumatic stress disorder from the perspective of three-dimensional model of the experiential selfhood // Medical Hypotheses 2019, V. 131, P. 109304. | Full-text | |||||
103 | 2019 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H., Kallio-Tamminen T. Brain-mind operational architectonics: At the boundary between quantum physics and Eastern metaphysics // Physics of Life Reviews. 2019, V 31, P. 122-133. | Full-text | |||||
102 | 2019 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Placing pure experience of Eastern tradition into the neurophysiology of Western tradition // Cognitive Neurodynamics. 2019, V. 13, No 1, P. 121-123. | Full-text | |||||
101 | 2019 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Brain space and time in mental disorders: Paradigm shift in biological psychiatry // The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2019, V. 54, No 1, P. 53-63. | Full-text | |||||
100 | 2018 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. After human // Futura. 2018, V. 4, P. 60-74. | Full-text | |||||
99 | 2018 | Tozzi A., Peters J.F., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Perlovsky L. Syntax meets semantics during brain logical computations // Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 2018, V. 140, P. 133-141. | Full-text | |||||
98 | 2018 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Alterations in the three components of selfhood in persons with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: A pilot qEEG neuroimaging study // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2018, V. 12, P. 42-54. | Full-text | |||||
97 | 2018 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Mind the physics: Physics of mind // Physics of Life Reviews. 2018, V. 25, P. 75-77. | Full-text | |||||
96 | 2018 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Actual physical potentiality for consciousness // AJOB Neuroscience. 2018, V. 9, No 1, P. 24-25. | Full-text | |||||
95 | 2017 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. The legacy of a Renaissance man: From mass action in the nervous system and cinematic theory of cognitive dynamics to operational architectonics of brain-mind functioning // Chaos and Complexity Letters. 2017, V. 11, No 1, P. 81-91. | Full-text | |||||
94 | 2017 | Tozzi A., Peters J.F., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Marijuán P.C. Brain projective reality: Novel clothes for the emperor // Physics of Life Reviews. 2017, V. 21, P. 46-55. | Full-text | |||||
93 | 2017 |
Tozzi A., Peters J.F., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Marijuán P.C. Topodynamics of metastable brains // Physics of Life Reviews. 2017, V. 21, P. 1-20. The article is among this journal’s articles that have had the most social media attention during 2017 according to the PlumX Metrics. |
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92 | 2017 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Three-dimensional components of Selfhood in treatment-naive patients with major depressive disorder: A resting-state qEEG imaging study // Neuropsychologia. 2017, V. 99, P. 30-36. | Full-text | |||||
91 | 2017 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Information flow in the brain: Ordered sequences of metastable states // Information. 2017, V. 8, No 1, P. 22. | Full-text | |||||
90 | 2017 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Longitudinal dynamics of 3-dimensional components of selfhood after severe traumatic brain injury: A qEEG case study // Clinical EEG & Neuroscience. 2017, V. 48, No 5, P. 327-337. | Full-text | |||||
89 | 2017 | Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Prestandrea C., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Galardi G. Changes in standard EEG parallel consciousness improvement in patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome // Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2017, V. 98, P. 665-672. | Full-text | |||||
88 | 2017 | Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Sant'Angelo A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Galardi G. Longitudinal assessment of clinical signs of recovery in patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome after traumatic or nontraumatic brain injury // Journal of Neurotrauma. 2017, V. 34, No 2, P. 535-539. | Full-text | |||||
87 | 2016 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. Trait lasting alteration of the brain Default Mode Network in experienced meditators and the experiential selfhood // Self and Identity. 2016, V. 15, No 4, P. 381-393. | Full-text | |||||
86 | 2016 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. Long-term meditation training induced changes in the operational synchrony of Default Mode Network modules during a resting state // Cognitive Processing. 2016, V. 17, No 1, P. 27-37. | Full-text | |||||
85 | 2016 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Bagnato S, Boccagni C, Galardi G. The chief role of frontal operational module of the brain default mode network in the potential recovery of consciousness from the vegetative state: A preliminary comparison of three case reports // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2016, V. 10, P. 41-51. | Full-text | |||||
84 | 2016 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Bagnato S, Boccagni C, Galardi G. Long-term (six years) clinical outcome discrimination of patients in the vegetative state could be achieved based on the operational architectonics EEG analysis: A pilot feasibility study // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2016, V. 10, P. 69-79. | Full-text | |||||
83 | 2015 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. EEG-guided meditation: A personalized approach // Journal of Physiology-Paris. 2015, V. 109, No 4-6, P. 180-190. | Full-text | |||||
82 | 2015 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Altered structure of dynamic EEG oscillatory pattern in major depression // Biological Psychiatry. 2015, V. 77, No 12, P. 1050-1060. | Full-text | |||||
81 | 2014 | Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Sant'Angelo A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Gagliardo C., Galardi G. Long-lasting coma // Functional Neurology. 2014, V. 29, No 3, P. 201-205. | Full-text | |||||
80 | 2014 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. Do we need a theory-based assessment of consciousness in the field of disorders of consciousness? // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2014, V. 8, P. 402. | Full-text | |||||
79 | 2014 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Present moment, past, and future: mental kaleidoscope // Frontiers in Psychology. 2014, V. 5, P. 395. | Full-text | |||||
78 | 2014 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. EEG oscillatory states: Universality, uniqueness and specificity across healthy-normal, altered and pathological brain conditions // PLoS ONE. 2014, V. 9(2). P. e87507. | Full-text | |||||
77 | 2013 | Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Sant'Angelo A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Galardi G. Emerging from an unresponsive wakefulness syndrome: Brain plasticity has to cross a threshold level // Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2013, V. 37, No 10, P. 2721-2736. | Full-text | |||||
76 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A, Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Consciousness as a phenomenon in the operational architectonics of brain organization: Criticality and self-organization considerations // Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 2013, V. 55, P. 13-31. | Full-text | |||||
75 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. Dissociation of vegetative and minimally conscious patients based on brain operational architectonics: Factor of etiology // Clinical EEG and Neuroscience. 2013, V. 44, No. 3, P. 209-220. | Full-text | |||||
74 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Dissipative many-body model and a nested operational architectonics of the brain. Comment on “Dissipation of dark energy by cortex in knowledge retrieval” by Antonio Capolupo, Walter J. Freeman and Giuseppe Vitiello // Physics of Life Reviews. 2013, V. 10, P. 103-105. | Full-text | |||||
73 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. Prognostic value of resting-state electroencephalography structure in disentangling vegetative and minimally conscious states: A preliminary study // Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2013, V. 27, No. 4, P. 345-354. | Full-text | |||||
72 | 2012 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. DMN operational synchrony relates to self-consciousness: Evidence from patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2012, V. 6, P. 55-68. | Full-text | |||||
71 | 2012 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Mind as a nested operational architectonics of the brain // Physics of Life Reviews. 2012, V. 9, No. 1, P. 49-50. | Full-text | |||||
70 | 2012 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. EEG oscillatory states as neuro-phenomenology of consciousness as revealed from patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states // Consciousness and Cognition. 2012, V. 21, P. 149-169. | Full-text | |||||
69 | 2012 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. Toward operational architectonics of consciousness: basic evidence from patients with severe cerebral injuries // Cognitive Processing. 2012, V. 13, No. 2, P. 111-131. | Full-text | |||||
68 | 2012 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. “Machine” consciousness and “artificial” thought: An operational architectonics model guided approach // Brain Research, 2012, V. 1428, P. 80-92. | Full-text | |||||
67 | 2011 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. Life or death: Prognostic value of a resting EEG with regards to survival in patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states // PLoS ONE. 2011, V. 6(10). P. e25967. | Full-text | |||||
66 | 2011 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Persistent operational synchrony within brain default-mode network and self-processing operations in healthy subjects // Brain and Cognition. 2011, V. 75. No 2. P. 79-90. | Full-text | |||||
65 | 2010 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Short-term EEG spectral pattern as a single event in EEG phenomenology // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2010, V. 4. P. 130-156. | Full-text | |||||
64 | 2010 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Editorial: EEG phenomenology and multiple faces of short-term EEG spectral pattern // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2010, V. 4. P. 111-113. | Full-text | |||||
63 | 2010 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Topographic mapping of rapid transitions in EEG multiple frequencies: EEG frequency domain of Operational Synchrony // Neuroscience Research. 2010, V. 68. No 3. P. 207–224. | Full-text | |||||
62 | 2010 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Emergentist monism, biological realism, operations and Brain-Mind problem // Physics of Life Reviews. 2010, V. 7. No 2. P. 264-268. | Full-text | |||||
61 | 2010 |
Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Natural world physical, brain operational, and mind phenomenal space-time // Physics of Life Reviews. 2010, V. 7. No 2. P. 195-249. The operational architectonics theory of consiousness proposed in this paper was included in a new four-volume collection "Consciousness" of the best cutting-edge sholarship in the filed edited by Max Velmans. |
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60 | 2010 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Alpha rhythm Operational Architectonics in the continuum of normal and pathological brain states: Current state of research // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2010, V. 76. No 2. P. 93-106. | Full-text | |||||
59 | 2010 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Marchetti G. Editorial: Brain, mind and language functional architectures // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2010, V. 4. P. 26-29. | Full-text | |||||
58 | 2010 | Benedetti G., Marchetti G., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Mind operational semantics and brain operational architectonics: A putative correspondence // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2010, V. 4. P. 53-69. | Full-text | |||||
57 | 2010 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Morphology and dynamic repertoire of EEG short-term spectral patterns in rest: Explorative study // Neuroscience Research. 2010, V. 66, No. 3, P. 299-312. | Full-text | |||||
56 | 2009 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Is our brain hardwired to produce God or is our brain hardwired to perceive God? A systematic review on the role of the brain in mediating religious experience // Cognitive Processing. 2009, V. 10, No. 4, P. 293-326. | Full-text | |||||
55 | 2009 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kivisaari R., Autti T., Borisov S., Puuskari V., Jokela O., Kähkönen S. Methadone may restore local and remote EEG functional connectivity in opioid-dependent patients // The International Journal of Neuroscience. 2009, V. 119. No 9. P. 1469-1493. | Full-text | |||||
54 | 2009 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Brain and mind Operational Architectonics and man-made "machine" consciousness // Cognitive Processing. 2009, V. 10. No 2. P. 105-111. | Full-text | |||||
53 | 2009 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Phenomenological architecture of a mind and Operational Architectonics of the brain: the unified metastable continuum // Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computing. 2009, V. 5. No 1. P. 221-244. | Full-text | |||||
52 | 2009 | Burmakin E., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Self-organization of dynamic distributed computational systems applying principles of integrative activity of brain neuronal assemblies // Algorithms. 2009, V. 2. P. 247-258. | Full-text | |||||
51 | 2008 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Brain-mind Operational Architectonics imaging: technical and methodological aspects // The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 2008, V. 2. P. 73-93 | Full-text | |||||
50 | 2008 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Kähkönen S., Fingelkurts An.A., Kivisaari R., Borisov S., Puuskari V., Jokela O., Autti T. Reorganization of the composition of brain oscillations and their temporal characteristics during opioid withdrawal // Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2008, V. 22. No 3. P. 270-284. | Full-text | |||||
49 | 2007 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Neurophysiologic basis for the decision making and choice - Perspectives for neuronmarketing // The Russian Journal of Neuroscience. 2007, V. 3. No 11. P. 33-39. | Abstract in English | |||||
48 | 2007 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Krause C.M. Composition of brain oscillations and their functions in the maintenance of auditory, visual and audio-visual speech percepts: An exploratory study // Cognitive Processing. 2007, V. 8. No 3. P. 183-199. | Full-text | |||||
47 | 2007 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio S., Revonsuo A. Hypnosis induces a changed composition of brain oscillations in EEG: a case study // Contemporary Hypnosis. 2007, V. 24. No 1. P. 3-18. | Full-text | |||||
46 | 2007 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kivisaari R., Autti T., Borisov S., Puuskari V., Jokela O., Kähkönen S. Opioid withdrawal results in an increased local and remote functional connectivity at EEG alpha and beta frequency bands // Neuroscience Research. 2007, V. 58. No 1. P. 40-49. | Full-text | |||||
45 | 2007 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Kähkönen S., Fingelkurts An.A., Kivisaari R., Borisov S., Puuskari V., Jokela O., Autti T. Composition of EEG oscillations and their temporal characteristics: Methadone treatment // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2007, V. 64. No 2. P. 130-140. | Full-text | |||||
44 | 2007 |
Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio S., Revonsuo A. Cortex functional connectivity as a neurophysiological correlate of hypnosis: An EEG case study // Neuropsychologia. 2007, V. 45. No 7. P. 1452-1462. The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis awarded this article by Henry Guze Award as Best Research Paper. |
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43 | 2007 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Rytsala H., Suominen K., Isometsä E., Kähkönen S. Impaired functional connectivity at EEG alpha and theta frequency bands in major depression // Human Brain Mapping. 2007, V. 28. No 3. P. 247-261. | Full-text | |||||
42 | 2006 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kivisaari R., Autti T., Borisov S., Puuskari V., Jokela O., Kähkönen S. Reorganization of the composition of brain oscillations and their temporal characteristics in opioid-dependent patients // Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2006, V. 30. No 8. P. 1453-1465. | Full-text | |||||
41 | 2006 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Rytsala H., Suominen K., Isometsä E., Kähkönen S. Composition of brain oscillations in ongoing EEG during major depression disorder // Neuroscience Research. 2006, V. 56. No 2. P. 133-144. | Full-text | |||||
40 | 2006 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kivisaari R., Autti T., Borisov S., Puuskari V., Jokela O., Kähkönen S. Increased local and decreased remote functional connectivity at EEG alpha and beta frequency bands in opioid-dependent patients // Psychopharmacology. 2006, V. 188. No 1. P. 42-52. | Full-text | |||||
39 | 2006 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Timing in cognition and EEG brain dynamics: Discreteness versus continuity // Cognitive Processing. 2006, V. 7. No 3. P. 135-162. | Full-text | |||||
38 | 2006 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya. Interictal EEG as a physiological adaptation. Part II: Topographic variability of composition of brain oscillations in interictal EEG // Clinical Neurophisiology. 2006, V. 117. No 4. P. 789-802. | Full-text | |||||
37 | 2006 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya. Interictal EEG as a physiological adaptation. Part I: Composition of brain oscillations in interictal EEG // Clinical Neurophysiology. 2006, V. 117. No 1. P. 208-222. | Full-text | |||||
36 | 2006 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Ermolaev V.A., Kaplan A.Ya. Stability, reliability and consistency of the compositions of brain oscillations // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2006, V. 59. No 2. P. 116-126. | Full-text | |||||
35 | 2005 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Borisov S.V., Darkhovsky B.S. Nonstationary nature of the brain activity as revealed by EEG/MEG: Methodological, practical and conceptual challenges // Signal Processing. 2005, V. 85. No 11. P. 2190-2212. | Full-text | |||||
34 | 2005 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kähkönen S.A. New Perspectives in Pharmaco-Electroencephalography // Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2005, V. 29. No 2. P. 193-199. | Full-text | |||||
33 | 2005 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kähkönen S.A. Functional connectivity in the brain - is it an elusive concept? // Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2005, V. 28. No 8. P. 827-836. | Full-text | |||||
32 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Problems and Solutions in EEG Neuropsychopharmacology // 8-th Multidisciplinary International Conference of Biological Psychiatry "Stress and Behavior," St-Petersburg, Russia, 2004. May 17-19. Full-text contribution. | Full-text | |||||
31 | 2004 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. The brain's alpha rhythms and the mind. Book review // Clinical Neurophysiology. 2004, V. 115. No 8. P. 1944-1945. | Full-text | |||||
30 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Making complexity simpler: Multivariability and metastability in the brain // International Journal of Neuroscience. 2004, V. 114. No 7. P. 843-862. | Full-text | |||||
29 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kivisaari R., Pekkonen E., Ilmoniemi R.J., Kähkönen S.A. Local and remote functional connectivity of neocortex under the inhibition influence // NeuroImage. 2004, V. 22. No 3. P. 1390-1406. | Full-text | |||||
28 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kivisaari R., Pekkonen E., Ilmoniemi R.J., Kähkönen S.A. Enhancement of GABA-related signalling is associated with increase of functional connectivity in human cortex // Human Brain Mapping. 2004, V. 22. No 1. P. 27-39. | Full-text | |||||
27 | 2004 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kivisaari R., Pekkonen E., Ilmoniemi R.J., Kähkönen S.A. The interplay of lorazepam-induced brain oscillations: Microstructural electromagnetic study // Clinical Neurophysiology. 2004, V. 115. No 3. P. 674-690. | Full-text | |||||
26 | 2003 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Krause C.M., and Kaplan A.Ya. Systematic rules underlying spectral pattern variability: Experimental results and a review of the evidences // The International Journal of Neuroscience. 2003, V. 113. P. 1447-1473. | Full-text | |||||
25 | 2003 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Krause, C.M., Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V., Sams, M. Structural (operational) synchrony of EEG alpha activity during an auditory memory task // NeuroImage. 2003, V. 20. No 1. P. 529-542. | Full-text | |||||
24 | 2003 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Operational architectonics of perception and cognition: A principle of self-organized metastable brain states // VI Parmenides Workshop "Perception and Thinking" of the Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Munich. Elba, Italy, 2003. April 5-10. Full-text contribution. | Full-text | |||||
23 | 2003 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Multivariability and metastability of electromagnetic resonant states in the brain as a basis for cognition // VI Parmenides Workshop "Perception and Thinking" of the Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Munich. Elba, Italy, 2003. April 5-10. Full-text contribution. | Full-text | |||||
22 | 2003 |
Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Krause C.M., Möttönen R., Sams, M. Cortical operational synchrony during audio-visual speech integration // Brain and Language. 2003, V. 85. No 2. P. 297-312. Brain and Language Journal chooses this article as a key article reflecting the Journal’s new direction. |
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21 | 2003 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Dynamic of subjective world as changes of brain metastable states // 7-th Multidisciplinary International Conference of Biological Psychiatry "Stress and Behavior". Moscow, Russia, 2003. February 26-28. Full-text contribution (in Russian). | Not available | |||||
20 | 2003 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya. The regularities of the discrete nature of multi-variability of EEG spectral patterns // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2003, V. 47. No 1. P. 23-41. | Full-text | |||||
19 | 2002 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Krause C.M., Sams, M. Probability interrelations between pre-/post-stimulus intervals and ERD/ERS during a memory task // Clinical Neurophysiology. 2002, V. 113. No 6. P. 826-843. | Full-text | |||||
18 | 2001 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts, Al.A. Operational architectonics of the human brain biopotential field: Towards solving the mind-brain problem // Brain and Mind. 2001. V. 2. No 3. P. 261-296. | Full-text | |||||
17 | 2001 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Operational architectonics of human EEG // NI2001, World Congress on Neuroinformatics, Viena, Austria, 2001. September 24-29. Full-text contribution. | Full-text | |||||
16 | 2001 | Lobusov E.V., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya. EEG analysis of deep relaxation states induced by QiGong practice // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow University). Series 16. Biology. 2001, No 3. P. 36-43 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
15 | 2000 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Hemispheric laterality, high intelligence and twins // Voprosi Psihologii (Questions of Psychology). 2000, No 5. P. 111-121, (in Russian). | Not available | |||||
14 | 2000 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Shishkin S.L., Ivashko R.M. Spatial synchronization of segmental EEG in humans // Gurnal Vischei Nervnoi Deyatelnosty (Journal of High Nerve Activity). 2000, V. 50. No 4. P. 624-637 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
13 | 2000 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Grin' E.Yu. Ermolaev V.A. Kaplan A.Ya. Adaptive classification of EEG spectral patterns: The comparison between healthy subjects and patients with different brain pathology // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow University). Series 16. Biology. 2000, No 4. P. 3-11 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
12 | 2000 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Borisov S.V., Ivashko R.M. Kaplan A.Ya. Spatial structures of human multichannel EEG quasi-stationary segments during memory task // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow University). Series 16. Biology. 2000, No 3. P. 3-10 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
11 | 1999 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Ermolaev V.A. Topological variability of the EEG spectral patterns // Fisiologiya Cheloveka (Human Physiology Journal). 1999, V. 25. No 2. P. 140-147. | Full-text | |||||
10 | 1999 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Grin' E.Yu. Ermolaev V.A. The adaptive classification of the dynamic spectral patterns in the human EEG // Gurnal Vischei Nervnoi Deyatelnosty (Journal of High Nerve Activity). 1999, V. 49. No 3. P. 416-426 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
9 | 1998 | Fingelkurts Al.A. Some regularities of the human EEG spectral patterns dynamics during cognitive activity. Ph.D. Dissertation. 1998. Moscow. MSU. 290 p (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
8 | 1998 | Fingelkurts An.A. Time-spatial organization of the human EEG segmental structure. Ph.D. Dissertation. 1998. Moscow. MSU. 401 p (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
7 | 1998 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Ivashko R.M. The temporal consistency of phasic conversions in the basic frequency components of the EEG // Gurnal Vischei Nervnoi Deyatelnosty (Journal of High Nerve Activity). 1998, V. 48. No 5. P. 816-826 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
6 | 1998 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Ivashko R.M. Probability patterns of the human EEG narrow-band differential spectra during memory processes // Fisiologiya Cheloveka (Human Physiology Journal). 1998, V. 24. No 4. P. 453-461. | Full-text | |||||
5 | 1998 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Ivachko R.M., Kaplan A.Ya. EEG analysis of operational synchrony between human brain cortical areas during memory task performance // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow University), Series 16. Biology. 1998, No 1. P. 3-11 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
4 | 1997 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Darkhovsky B.S. Topological mapping of the sharp reorganization synchrony in the multichannel EEG // American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology. 1997, No 37. P. 265-275. | Full-text | |||||
3 | 1997 | Kaplan A.Ya., Darkhovsky B.S., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Topographic mapping of the process of synchronizing moments of sharp changes in the human multichannel EEG // Gurnal Vischei Nervnoi Deyatelnosty (Journal of High Nerve Activity). 1997, V. 45. No 1. P. 32-37 (in Russian). | Abstract in English | |||||
2 | 1992 | Gregorieva L.S., Smirnova A.V., Voronkov Yu.I., Fingelkurts An.A, Fingelkurts Al.A. Development of computer tools for modeling high operator loads, simulating the impact of professional flight factors (stress, fatigue). Computer electroencephalography // Internal report; Institute of Biomedical Problems, Jan.1992, Moscow, Russia, pp. 19 (in Russian). | Not available | |||||
1 | 1992 | Gregorieva L.S., Smirnova A.V., Voronkov Yu.I., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Computer electroencephalography. Results and prospects for the application of genetic approaches to the study of the nature of interindividual differences in adaptive response to factors of simulated microgravity conditions // Internal Report; Institute of Biomedical Problems, Jan. 1992, Moscow, Russia, pp. 23 (in Russian). | Not available |
7 | 2015 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Attentional state: From automatic detection to willful focused concentration // Attention and Meaning. The Attentional Basis of Meaning. Editors: Marchetti G, Benedetti G, Alharbi A. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2015, pp. 133-150. | Full-text | |||||
6 | 2015 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Operational architectonics methodology for EEG analysis: Theory and results. In: Modern Electroencephalographic Assessment Techniques: Theory and Applications. Neuromethods Book Series. Editor: Sakkalis V. Springer, 2015, Volume 91, pp. 1-59. | Full-text | |||||
5 | 2013 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. The value of spontaneous EEG oscillations in distinguishing patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states // Chapter 5. In: Basar E., Basar-Eroglu C., Ozerdem A., Rossini P.M., Yener G.G . (Eds), Application of Brain Oscillations in Neuropsychiatric Diseases. Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology. 2013. V. 62. pp. 81-99. | Full-text | |||||
4 | 2005 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Mapping of the brain operational architectonics // Chapter 2. In: Chen, F.J. (Ed.) Focus on Brain Mapping Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2005. pp. 59-98. | Full-text | |||||
3 | 2003 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Gifted brain and twinning: Integrative review of the recent literature // Chapter 1 In: Shohov, S.P. (Ed.) Advances in Psychology Research 20. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2003. pp. 1-32. | Full-text | |||||
1 | 2002 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Exploring giftedness // Chapter 8 In: Shohov, S.P. (Ed.) Advances in Psychology Research 9. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2002. pp. 137-155. | Full-text |
Publications in conference proceedings
62 | 2015 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Experimental support to the brain Operational Architectonics theory of phenomenal consciousness. Pre-conference workshop "Scientific Field Theories of Consciousness - Recent Developments". 8 June 2015, Conference Toward a Science of Consciousness, 9-13 June 2015, Helsinki, Finland. | ||
61 | 2015 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. A field level in brain functional architecture. Is it the phenomenal consciousness? Pre-conference workshop "Scientific Field Theories of Consciousness - Recent Developments". 8 June 2015, Conference Toward a Science of Consciousness, 9-13 June 2015, Helsinki, Finland. | ||
60 | 2014 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Implications of operational architectonics methodology for consciousness studies and neurophilosophy. The Physical Underpinnings of Consciousness. Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience, Physics and Philosophy. 10-11 November 2014, Helsinki, Finland. | ||
59 | 2014 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Phenomenal consciousness as a field level in brain functional architecture. The Physical Underpinnings of Consciousness. Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience, Physics and Philosophy. 10-11 November 2014, Helsinki, Finland. | ||
58 | 2014 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Prognostic value of resting-state EEG-signal structure in disentangling UWS and MCS. Second Symposium on Disorders of Consciousness. 4-5 September 2014, Cologne, Germany. | ||
57 | 2014 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Do we need a theory-based assessment of consciousness in the field of disorders of consciousness? Second Symposium on Disorders of Consciousness. 4-5 September 2014, Cologne, Germany. | ||
56 | 2014 | Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Sant'Angelo A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Gagliardo C., Galardi G. Long-Lasting Coma. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SINC). Milan, Italy; May 14-17, 2014. | ||
55 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A. Situating the phenomenon of consciousness within universal laws of the physics - criticality and self-organisation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Conference. Amsterdam, November 29, 2013. | ||
54 | 2013 | Fingelkurts Al.A. Phenomenal consciousness as a higher level of brain organization. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Conference. Amsterdam, November 29, 2013. | ||
53 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. The structure of brain electromagnetic field relates to subjective experience: exogenous magnetic field stimulation study. Neuroscience Finland 2013 Meeting: “Optogenetics and brain stimulation”. Helsinki, Finland; March 22, 2013 | ||
52 | 2011 | Boccagni C., Fingelkurts Al.A, Fingelkurts An.A., Bagnato S., Galardi G. The role of resting state EEG oscillations in distinguishing patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states. XLII Congresso Della SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI NEUROLOGIA. Torino, Italy; October 22-25, 2011. Awarded by the prize of the SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI NEUROLOGIA. | ||
51 | 2011 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H., Bagnato S., Boccagni C., Galardi G. Operational Architectonics of Consciousness: EEG Study in Patients with Severely Injured Brain. Toward a Science of Consciousness – TSC. Stockholm, Sweden; May 2-8, 2011. | ||
50 | 2011 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) and Functional Neuronal Networks. Aggiornamenti in Riabilitazione: Neurofisiologia e Riabilitazione. Cefalù (PA), Sicily, Italy; April 27-29, 2011. | ||
49 | 2008 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. EEG Oscillatory States: Temporal and Spatial Microstructure. 14th World Congress of Psychophysiology. S. Petersburg, Russia, September 08-13, 2008. | ||
48 | 2008 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Phenomenal, Operational, and Physical Space-Time in the Brain: Towards Conscious Robotics. The 2nd International Symposium on Bio-and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics: BMIC 2008. In the context of the 12th Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2008. Orlando, USA, June 29-July 2, 2008. | ||
47 | 2007 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Brain operational space-time and operational modules. The 10th Joint Conference on information sciences. International Workshop on Nonlinear Brain Dynamics for Computational Intelligence, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 18-24, 2007. | ||
46 | 2007 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Neves C.F.H. Functional isomorphism between Operational Architectonics of brain functioning and subjective phenomenology. The International Conference "Coordination Dynamics 2007." Boca Raton, Florida, USA, February 22-25, 2007. | ||
45 | 2006 | Kallio S., Revonsuo A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Neutral hypnosis affects the frontal functional connections of the brain. Toward a Science of Consciousness 2006. Tucson, Arizona, USA, April 4-8, 2006. | ||
44 | 2005 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Effects of Lorazepam on Brain Functional Connectivity: Microstructural Analysis of EEG/MEG signals. The Human Brain Research Centre Conference. Biomedicum, Helsinki, Finland, 2005, April 28. | ||
43 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Functional Isomorphism Between Structures of Phenomenal Consciousness and Electromagnetic Brain Field. The Human Brain Project Annual Conference "A Decade of Neuroscience Informatics: Looking Ahead." NIH, Bethesda, USA, 2004, April 26-27. | ||
42 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. The operational architectonics concept of brain and mind functioning. Congress on "Modeling Mental Processes and Disorders." Kusadasi, Turkey, 2004, May 24-29. | ||
41 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Problems and solutions in EEG neuropsychopharmacology. 8-th Multidisciplinary International Conference of Biological Psychiatry "Stress and Behavior." St-Petersburg, Russia, 2004. May 17-19. | ||
40 | 2004 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Giftedness and twinning. 11 International Congress on Twin Studies. Odense, Denmark, 2004. July 2-4. | ||
39 | 2004 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Death: An event or a process? IV International Symposium on Coma and Death. Havana, Cuba, 2004. March 9-12. | ||
38 | 2003 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Operational architectonics of perception and cognition: A principle of self-organized metastable brain states // VI Parmenides Workshop "Perception and Thinking" of the Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Munich. Elba, Italy, 2003. April 5-10. | ||
37 | 2003 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Multivariability and metastability of electromagnetic resonant states in the brain as a basis for cognition // VI Parmenides Workshop "Perception and Thinking" of the Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Munich. Elba, Italy, 2003. April 5-10. | ||
36 | 2003 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Dynamic of subjective world as changes of brain metastable states // 7-th Multidisciplinary International Conference of Biological Psychiatry "Stress and Behavior," Moscow, Russia, 2003. February 26-28. | ||
35 | 2002 | Fingelkurts, An.A., Fingelkurts, Al.A. Operational architectonics of consciousness (self-organizing metastability). Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson, Arizona, April 8-12, 2002. | ||
34 | 2002 | Fingelkurts, An.A., Fingelkurts, Al.A. Dynamic network of cortical interactions during audio-visual integration. OHBM Conference in Sendai, Japan, June 2-6, 2002. | ||
33 | 2002 | Fingelkurts, Al.A., Fingelkurts, An.A., Krause, C.M., & Sams, M. Oscillatory brain dynamics in audio-visual speech integration. 11th World Congress of Psychophysiology July 29-August 3, 2002, Montreal, Canada. | ||
32 | 2002 | Fingelkurts, An.A., Fingelkurts, Al.A., Krause, C.M., & Sams, M. The duration of cortical operations during audio-visual speech integration. 11th World Congress of Psychophysiology July 29-August 3, 2002, Montreal, Canada. | ||
31 | 2002 | Fingelkurts, An.A., Fingelkurts, Al.A., Krause, C.M., Möttönen, R. & Sams, M. Audio-visual speech integration and operational synchrony of cortical networks (a McGurk study)". ICON8 International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience September 9-15, 2002, France. | ||
30 | 2002 | Fingelkurts, Al.A., Fingelkurts, An.A., Krause, C.M., Möttönen, R. & Sams, M. The role of brain oscillations in audio-visual speech integration: The McGurk study. ICON8 International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience September 9-15, 2002, France. | ||
29 | 2001 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Operational architectonics of human EEG. NI2001, World Congress on Neuroinformatics, Viena, Austria, 2001. September 24-29. | ||
28 | 2001 | Lobusov E.V., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. The study of brain functional states changes caused by QiGong, using EEG technique. 1-st International Conference of organizations of Chgan Yuan' QiGong. January, 2001. Ekaterinoburg (in Russian). | ||
27 | 1999 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Some regularities of EEG spectral patterns dynamics during human cognitive activity. The Fifth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. Jerusalem, Israel, 1999. E70.46, p. 60. | ||
26 | 1999 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Operational synchrony of human brain activity. The Fifth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. Jerusalem, Israel, 1999. E70.46, p. 60. | ||
25 | 1999 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Temporal and spatial variability of EEG spectral patterns. ICON VII Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 28 June - 3 July, 1999. | ||
24 | 1999 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Time stabilization of intersegmental relations as reflection of integrated brain activity. ICON VII Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 28 June - 3 July, 1999. | ||
23 | 1999 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya. EEG spectral patterns mapping. 5th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Dusseldorf, Germany. 23-26 June, 1999. | ||
22 | 1999 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Borisov S.V., Kaplan A.Ya., Ivashko R.M. Inter-frequency operational modulus maps. 5th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Dusseldorf, Germany. 23-26 June, 1999. | ||
21 | 1999 | Borisov S.V., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kaplan A.Ya. New approach for investigation of spatio-module organization of human EEG during cognitive activity. Scientific-Practice Conference «Problems of Instrumental Estimations of States and High Nervous Functions Violation in Children and Teens With the Help of Computer Test Systems». Oct. 19-20, 1999, Moscow. (in Russian). | ||
20 | 1999 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. The dynamics of temporal and spatial stabilization of EEG spectral patterns at patients with epilepsy. XI International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology. Prague, Czech Republic, 1999. September 7-11. PS-20.8. | ||
19 | 1998 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya., Ivashko R.M. Probability patterns of the narrow-band EEG subtraction spectra in humans during memory and storage performance. 9-th World Congress of Psychophysiology (14-19 Sept. 1998), Taormia, Sicily, Italy. Abstract is published in "International J. of Psychophysiol.". T. 30. No 1-2. P. 140. | ||
18 | 1998 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kaplan A.Ya., Grin' E.Yu. New technology for EEG analysis: adaptive classification of EEG spectral patterns. 9-th World Congress of Psychophysiology (14-19 Sept. 1998),Taormia, Sicily, Italy. Abstract is published in "International J. of Psychophysiol". T. 30. No 1-2. P. 225. | ||
17 | 1998 | Shishkin S.L., Darkhovsky B.S., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A.Ya. Interhemisphere synchrony of short-term variations in human EEG alpha power correlates with self-estimates of functional state. 9-th World Congress of Psychophysiology (14-19 Sept. 1998),Taormia, Sicily, Italy. | ||
16 | 1998 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Grin' E. Yu. Classification of EEG spectral patterns. The 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience (June 27- July 1, 1998), Berlin, Germany. | ||
15 | 1998 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Ivashko R.M., Kaplan A.Ya. Operational synchrony of cognitive and psychological acts. The 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience (June 27- July 1, 1998), Berlin, Germany. | ||
14 | 1998 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Lobusov E.V. Stractural organization of electrical activity of human brain. 1-st conference on "Practical Psychology on the brink of XXI century". Section: Modern state and the ways of development of neuro-psychophysiology and clinical psychology. Feb. 24, 1998, Moscow (in Russian). | ||
13 | 1998 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Borisov S.V., Ivashko R.M. Spatio-temporal modulus of electrical activity of human brain. 1-st conference on "Practical Psychology on the brink of XXI century". Section: Modern state and the ways of development of neuro-psychophysiology and clinical psychology. Feb. 24, 1998, Moscow (in Russian). | ||
12 | 1998 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Shishkin S.L. Spatiotemporal concordance of the state-shifts among rhythms at different frequencies of EEG: Operational synchrony against coherency. 4-th International Conference on the Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. June 7-12, 1998, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. | ||
11 | 1998 | Fingelkurts An.A., Borisov S.V., Fingelkurts Al.A. New approach for investigation of the spatial modulus organization of human EEG during memory task. International student`s and graduate`s Conference on fundamental sciences "Lomonosov-96" (1998). Moscow State University. Abstract is published in Supplement of "Lomonosov-98", MSU (in Russian). | ||
10 | 1997 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. "Spiritual" and "Psychology". The Brain and Self Workshop: Toward a Science of Consciousness, Elsinore, Denmark, August 21-24, 1997. 6.6-692. | ||
9 | 1997 | Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Darkhovsky B.S. Operational synchrony in the multichannel EEG: An approach to evaluation of the dynamical cooperation of the cortex regions. The 8th World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET), Zurich, March, 6-8, 1997. | ||
8 | 1997 | Shishkin S.L., Darkhovsky B.S., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kaplan A.Ya. Inter-hemisphere synchrony of short-term variations in human EEG alpha power correlates with self-estimates of general functional state. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS Congress), St. Petersburg, June 30 - July 5, 1997. | ||
7 | 1996 | Brodsky B.E., Darkhovsky B.S., Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Shishkin S.L. Change-Point analysis of the human brain dynamics. Computation and Neural Systems Meeting, July 1996, Bostan, USA. | ||
6 | 1996 | Fingelkurts Al.A. Microstructural analysis of human EEG: general characteristic of change-point. International student`s and graduate`s Conference on fundamental sciences "Lomonosov-96" (1996). Moscow State University. Abstract is published in Supplement of "Lomonosov-96", MSU (in Russian). | ||
5 | 1996 | Fingelkurts An.A. Microstructural analysis of human EEG: synchronization peculiarity of change-point process. International student`s and graduate`s Conference on fundamental sciences "Lomonosov-96" (1996). Moscow State University. Abstract is published in Supplement of "Lomonosov-96", MSU (in Russian). | ||
4 | 1996 | Shishkin S.L., Brodsky B.E., Darkhovsky B.S., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Kaplan A. Ya. Analysis of changes in EEG characteristics as a way to reveal the time structure of the brain functioning. Eight World Congress of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP), June 1996, Helsinky, Finland. | ||
3 | 1995 | Kaplan A.Ya., Brodsky B.E., Darkhovsky B.S., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A., Shishkin S.L. The phenomena of time coincidence of change-point periods in different derivation of EEG. Annual Meeting of American EEG Society, 1995, Poster session "E", Washington D.C. | ||
2 | 1995 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Examination of correlated interaction of separate human EEG spectral components during cognitive activity: individual approach. Fourth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, July 1995, Kyoto, Japan. | ||
1 | 1995 | Kaplan A.Ya., Brodsky B.E., Darkhovsky B.S., Shishkin S.L., Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. Change-point mapping: a new technique for EEG brain imaging. First International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (Paris 1995). Abstract is published in "Human Brain Mapping", Supplement 1, 1995, Wiley-Liss (NY, Chichester, Toronto). P. 97. |
4 | 2012 | To the Magazine “Our Psychology”, 2012: Between life and death. (Communicated by Tsikunov I. Our Psychology, 2012, V. 9, No. 66, P. 112-115). In Russian. | Full-text | |||||
3 | 2008 | To the Magazine “Yrittäjä”, 2008: Aivotuontia Venäjältä. (Communicated by Lampinen A. Yrittäjä, 2008, V. 2, P. 60-61). In Finnish. | Full-text | |||||
2 | 2004 | To the Magazine “Spectr”, 2004: One mind is good, but two are better. (Communicated by Skarin V. Spektr, 2004, V. 8, P. 4). In Russian. | Full-text | |||||
1 | 2002 | To the Journal “Twin Research”, 2002: Professional and Personal Portraits of Russian Twins: Drs. Andrew A. and Alexander A. Fingelkurts (from Segal NL, Senina IN. Russian Twin Studies: Colleagues, Controversies, Case Studies and Current Events. Twin Research, 2002, V. 5, No. 1, P. 53-64). In English. | Full-text |
Publications in Popular Media for a broad audience
9 | 2016 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Kallio-Tamminen T. Personalising meditation with the help of brain research. Atlas of Science, Jan 21, 2016. | Full-text | |||||
8 | 2015 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Kallio-Tamminen T. Neurophysiology of self-boundarylessness and loving-kindness. Atlas of Science, Dec 13, 2015. | Full-text | |||||
7 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Uncovering the mystery of (un)consciousness: A starting point for developing reliable prognosticators in patients who are in a vegetative state. The Neuropsychotherapist, Feb 06, 2013. | Full-text | |||||
6 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. Meditaatio aktivoi aivoja. Mitä hyötyä on EEG-avusteisesta meditaatiosta? Sopiiko sama meditaatiotekniikka kaikille? In Finnish. | Full-text | |||||
5 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. The EEG-guided meditation and what it may offer. Do everyone benefit equally from the same meditation technique? | Full-text | |||||
4 | 2013 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Novel shift in understanding neurophysiology of mental disorders. The Neuropsychotherapist, Jun 24, 2013. | Full-text | |||||
3 | 2013 | Fingelkurts Al.A., Fingelkurts An.A. “Shooting violence” as a neurophysiological type. The Neuropsychotherapist, Jan 31, 2013. | Full-text | |||||
2 | 2008 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. How is your brain today? Spektr, 2008, V. 5, P.174. In Russian. | Full-text | |||||
1 | 2008 | Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A. Neuromarketing. BusinessKluch, 2008, P. 58-60. In Russian. | Full-text |