As neuro-scientific studies have shown, various states that are reached through practising of a particular training/coaching technique are associated with different qEEG spatio-temporal and oscillatory signatures, and such signatures are directly related to the baseline neuropshychological profiles of individuals. The baseline resting condition reflects the individual's characteristic balance of the corresponding independent neurophysiological processes. Changes in this balance during a concrete type of training/coaching must determine the corresponding functional state. Furthermore, both individual differences and functional states can be psychophysiologically interpreted in the same terms that characterize the individual's style in some aspects of training/coaching performance. Therefore, if one knows his/hers individual qEEG profile in advance, he or she (or coaching staff and trainer) can select or adjust the most appropriate and effective training/coaching technique. In this context, if neurophysiological information (derived from qEEG screening) is used as the independent variable and training/coaching response is analyzed as the dependent variable, a connection between neurophysiology and training/coaching outcome may be observed.

To achieve this goal, a qEEG screening tool - BrainMind Audit® - can be used. It is meant to be used by individuals, their coaching staff, or trainers to determine the psychophysiological profile of the practitioner and/or progress of training. BrainMind Audit® screening provides a guide to selecting individualized training protocols that allow people to unlock the full potential of their brain-and-mind.

Several companies have started to use the BrainMind Audit® to improve the quality of training and leadership development. Such companies utilise the knowledge obtained through the scientific research of the BM-Science Centre in the fields of cognitive psychophysiology and neuroscience, to advance their understanding of the brain’s role in producing effective behaviour and to explore how the brain itself might be used to better develop exemplary leadership potential. The resultant programs are deeply personalized and customized for each individual. They utilise quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) of each participant, which employs advanced original signal processing techniques to infer data about the brain-and-mind and use this data to build individual programs of coaching that fit the unique neurological blueprint of each individual.

Screening for a personalized brain baseline

Based on numerous scientific studies in cognitive neuroscience, an innovative, scientifically based qEEG Screening tool, BrainMind Audit® was developed that helps to quantify objectively the status of brain and mind.

Measurement of brain and mind functioning is based on the premise that there are distinct states and traits characteristics. State refers to the situational characteristics of EEG, whereas trait refers to the basic constitutional characteristics of EEG. This particular BrainMind Audit® tool measures only the trait (long-term) characteristics of EEG.

The BrainMind Audit® tool provides personalized assessment of key trait factors such as general vigilance level, speed of cognitive processes, positivity/negativity bias, motivation tendency, sociability, anxiety tendency, stress resistance, and level of brain resources. The objective assessment of brain baseline allows for the projection of real-world functioning. Establishing a personalized brain baseline is the first step to managing behavioural and mental health.

The BrainMind Audit® tool is based on mathematical and statistical processing of digital EEG, which condenses the qEEG data to a single-page color-coded summary - the BrainMind Audit® Profile. The BrainMind Audit® Profile provides the integrated result of the analysis of multiple indices related to brain and mind functioning that are derived from qEEG data from a 19-channel EEG recording with a standard International 10-20 electrode placement system. The BrainMind Audit® Profile consists of 9 evaluation metrics that provide an easy to understand quantitative values for otherwise complicated neurophysiological constructs.


Monitoring coaching/training effectiveness

Establishing a brain baseline allows for individuals to act as their own controls in measuring the efficacy of personalized coaching/training and outcomes. The BrainMind Audit® tool offers an objective "before and after" evaluation of coaching/training efficacy. Regular monitoring is important for promoting coaching/training adherence and demonstrating coaching/training outcomes.


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Privacy and client data

Within our practice, our team works according to the Helsinki Declaration on Ethical Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. According to this Declaration responsibility, integrity, respect and expertise are of paramount importance. In agreement with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) act, participant data is kept with great care to ensure that the privacy of our participants is protected (see our Privacy Policy). Information will not be shared with third parties unless the participant has given written permission.


Before the qEEG session takes place, the participant will be asked to take note of a consent form and sign it. In this statement, the participant is asked if his/her qEEG data can be used anonymously in scientific research.