29 August 2024
Dr. Michael James Winkelman's comprehensive review paper, "Neurophenomenology and Neuroepistemology Approaches to Integrating Constructivist, Perennialist, and Universalist Perspectives on Mystical Experiences," features BM-Science researchers Drs. Fingelkurts’ Three-Dimensional Construct Model for Complex Experiential Selfhood in relation to the altered states of Selfhood.
1 July 2024
BM-Science researchers Drs. Fingelkurts’ Operational Architectonics Theory of Brain and Mind Functioning is featured in Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn's most recent, most comprehensive article, "A Landscape of Consciousness: Toward a Taxonomy of Explanations and Implications," which categorizes all contemporary theories of consciousness. The theory appears in the section titled "Electromagnetic field theories".
29 November 2023
In this first-of-its-kind neurophenomenological study BM-Science researchers investigated the dynamic configuration and the levels of variability of the “Self”-, “Me”-, and “I”- components that comprise a complex experiential Selfhood across 16 distinct modes covering a range of healthy-normal, altered, and pathological brain states.